A Healthy Lifestyle


To my regular readers, this would be a personal post, or rather a rant/reflection of some sort. Skip ahead if you are looking only for tech stuff; speaking of which, check back in this time next week for Nexus 7 2013 first impressions, full review, tips & tricks and root guide.


It’s almost 4 am and I had been unable to get back to sleep since I woke up at 1, to shut the window. Thanks, rain! This is a terrible and contradicting feeling because as far as my new lifestyle is concerned, I should be sound asleep now until 2 hours later, by which time I would be well-rested and energetic to start my AM workout. Pretty sure I’d be feeling neither today. Howard Schultz would be pleased if this happens more often to people like me.

It is all about taking care of the body? 

Ever since I started working full-time just a month ago, I’ve been somewhat taking “good” care of my body. For example, I never miss a morning workout at 6 on weekdays; I always get to bed by 11 pm, or 12 latest; I’ve significantly cut down on my sugar intake and food intake in general; I’ve also given up clubbing, drinking, movies, blogging, tinkering with Android and Linux on weekdays (well except today, damn). It’s true when they say ‘leading a healthy lifestyle may very well require you to give up your favorite hobbies.’ First-hand experience here!

Despite all that I’ve mentioned, I feel like I could do more, I mean, so much more than what I’ve already been doing. Don’t get me wrong – I understand that getting into tip-top shape and leading a healthy lifestyle is an iterative process. In lean startup terms, understanding and delivering goals through iterations is paramount. You don’t dump all the features into your final product at one go, just as you can’t change every single aspect of your life in a short time frame. People get frustrated when they don’t see results in a short time frame, because of their tendency towards overestimating their effort or commitment. Penning this down here should serve as a constant reminder to myself, to not rush results.

Writing this blog post is rather therapeutic in the sense that I get to do what I like and re-organize my thoughts at the same time. Somehow, I feel rather excited and fresh about starting the day. Maybe I am just weird or maybe that’s just the effects serenity has on introverts. Off to my 3rd attempt to fall asleep – I can still squeeze in a 2-hour nap and 30-min workout before work.

Happy Monday!